Herbal and Energetic Medicine

Substitution is the replenishment of the body's own nutrient pool, on which every body depends in order to function well. Here, too, I use various methods:

  1. Phytotherapy, is the work with plants and plant extracts. Here I prefer complex mixtures in which the active ingredients strengthen each other.
  2. Mycotherapy, the work with vital mushrooms, offers nutrients and secondary plant substances that help the body to follow its natural regulation. They are therefore also called BRM (Biological Response Modifiers). Put simply, they help the body to return to its potential physiological (healthy) function. The mechanism is created using potent mixtures of vitamins, minerals and trace elements, polysaccharides, beta-glucans and other secondary active ingredients. These highly potent mixtures are effective in cell- communication, -nourishment, -detoxification and -correction. The method is an integral part of empirical medicine and in recent years has increasingly become the focus of research.
  3. Orthomolecular medicine, the targeted replacement of vitamins, amino acids, minerals and trace elements, is the modern version of substitution. Even though it is possible through injections and infusions, I prefer oral ingestion or transdermal administration (through the skin).
  4. Cell symbiosis therapy works through substitution by infusion, oral food supplement and other measures. For me, it makes an essential contribution to the stimulation of the mitochondria. Mitochondria are considered the power plants of the cell. Their dysfunction is an integral part of the development of chronic diseases. They produce the energy currency of the body, the ATP, without which there is no meaningful modulation in the body. I prefer the term "mitochondrial medicine", which consists of various elements: substitution, change of diet, correction of intestinal health, change of behaviour and electromagnetic stimulation.
  5. I only use bioidentical hormones in homeopathic dilution (D 4), which is often enough to correct existing deficiencies. But usually a change of lifestyle as well as detoxification, phytotherapy, meditation and sports are more essential levers for problems that may be present in the hormonal area.

As a rule, health disorders cannot be influenced, let alone remedied, from the perspective of a specialised field. Since the whole body is complex, it requires an equally complex approach. The effects of psychological correlations cannot be ignored either.

Often enough we cannot express feelings correctly, which then takes over the language of our body. In this respect, the inclusion of the entirety of the human being is still the only sensible way of treatment in my eyes.

When choosing a form of therapy, I draw on the diverse toolbox of methods I have learned and adapt them individually to each person.

Read more about healing with my hands or my healing through conversations.

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